7 ways to get a quick JAPAN fix in the Philippines

It’s no secret that aside from the Philippines, our favorite destination is Japan. Last year alone, we spent much more than 80 days in the Land of the Rising Sun. That’s over a quarter of the year! So far, we have set foot in 22 of Japan’s 47 prefectures, and we don’t see ourselves stopping soon. We will continue returning over and over again in purchase to create new travel guides and update the existing ones.

In between trips, we get Japan withdrawal syndrome too. Sometimes, we miss our times in Japan so we crave some dose of it even here in the Philippines. Ce sa fac? Well, here are seven ways you can scratch that itch without having to splurge.

Little Tokyo

Little Tokyo is located at the corner of Chino Roces and Amorsolo streets in Makati City. This isn’t an entire district like the Binondo Chinatown in Manila. It’s just a small commercial compound where you can feel like you’re in Japan for a moment. A red torii gate marks the entrance, which will lead you to a comfortable garden surrounded by over a dozen establishments like Japanese grocery stores and a sushi bar, among others. Don’t end your check out without downing some Asahi or Sapporo beer!

McDonald’s Flavors of Japan

A lot of my pals have been talking about McDonald’s Flavors of Japan, a lineup of Japanese-inspired delights! So we tried it and it looks like they’re all in! We were amazed when the staff greeted customers with Konnichiwa. and they’re all in Japanese-inspired uniform too!

The Sakura meal has become our go-to McDo meal, which is composed of the following:

Teriyaki Samurai Burger. My personal pick. I’m not really a fan of burgers in general but I love anything teriyaki, so I wasn’t amazed whatsoever that this one was what I liked the most in the roster. It’s 100% beef patty glazed in sweet teriyaki sauce, topped with lettuce and mayo, and sandwiched by a sesame seed bun. This is what I always purchase now at McDo.

Strawberry Sakura McFloat. This is Vins’s favorite. He loves soda and vanilla soft serve, so the McFloat is something he looks forward to when we’re at McDo. The Strawberry Sakura McFloat adds a fruity cherry and strawberry punch to it.

Nori Shake Shake Fries. This gives a Japanese twist to the the Shake Shake Fries. When you order, you’ll be served the fries, a nori powder sachet, and a paper bag so you yourself could mix the sweet-and-salty seaweed flavor with the fries.

As someone who doesn’t like going out to the far corners of the city, I am pleased about this because there’s a lot of McDonald’s stores where I live. Also, when I’m in the province–and there are no Japanese restaurants in our area–I could have quick access to something that could remind me of my time in Japan.

You can try these for yourself! Head over to the nearest McDonald’s store and purchase a Sakura meal so you get the full experience!

Japanese grocery Stores

I love to cook Japanese dishes, but when I use non-Japanese ingredients, they don’t really taste right. That’s because Japanese dishes have that distinct taste that come from authentic ingredients. change some of them and the resulting dish will be very different.

Thankfully, Japanese ingredients are not that hard to find these days. Although they are not as widespread as Korean grocery stores, there are Japanese stores around Metro Manila, where you can purchase a broad range of products. places like Kobeya and new Hatchin grocery are just a couple of stores you can shop at.

Big supermarkets also have an “imported products” section and Japanese items are typically present. just last week, I was able to purchase some condiments and miso soup packs!

Japanese budget Shops

Throughout Japan, you’ll find numerous 100-yen shops where you can find a multitude of low-cost items, from cosmetic products to office supplies to kitchenware. one of the most successful is Daiso, which has over 2,800 branches in Japan. They also have stores in the Philippines. A substantial fraction of their products are made in China, but they have Japanese aesthetic – typically easy and minimal, but useful and useful.

A new player, Miniso, is also getting popular in the country. Miniso is a Chinese-based company but features Japanese branding and Japanese-inspired designs. For low-cost home products, Japan home center is a place to check out.

Eigasai Japanese film Festival

The Eigasai Japanese film festival is an annual event featuring screenings of select Japanese films that you can delight in for FREE! It is organized every July by the Japan foundation in celebration of the Philippine-Japan friendship Month. The festival is now on its 22nd year.

For the longest time, it was held in Manila, but last year, additional screenings were held in Cebu, Davao, Bacolod, and Naga. If you would love to see award-winning Japanese films for free, view out for the announcement for this year’s schedule!

Artwork courtesy of Eigasai film Festival

JaCaracteristici Panese pe Netflix și Crunchy Roll

Există numeroase titluri japoneze pe Netflix. În afară de narațiunile tipice de acțiune live, puteți scana pentru anime sau documentare.

Întotdeauna mă încântă să vizualizez alchimistul complet și documentare despre mâncarea japoneză în timp ce mă plictisesc. Vins, pe de altă parte, Love reluat episoade din Naruto. Pentru titluri de anime care nu sunt pe Netflix, el merge în schimb la Crunchy Roll.

Expoziții de călătorie

În ceea ce privește turismul, Japonia este în vârful jocului lor în aceste zile. Mult mai mulți și mai mulți oameni merg în Japonia și crește mai repede. O mare parte din aceasta se datorează agresivității consiliilor de turism prefecturale și ale orașului în promovarea zonelor respective. Sunt prezenți orice expoziții majore de călătorie în țară, motiv pentru care vă încurajăm să renunțați ori de câte ori există unul.

La ultimul PNAA Travel and Trip Expo, Japonia avea două culoare dedicate (3-4 benzi pentru cabine). Tokyo, Okinawa, regiunea Kansai și prefecturile chiar mai puțin cunoscute, precum Tottori, erau toate acolo! Cel mai recent Klook Fest a prezentat și Japonia și Cherry Blossoms Sezonul în mod proeminent!

La expuneri ca acestea, de obicei fac niște cadouri și câteva spectacole distractive. De asemenea, invită vorbitorii de resurse să ofere sfaturi de călătorie! (Am susținut o discuție la ambele evenimente!) Dar, în mod important, veți găsi promoții și reduceri, astfel încât să puteți face următoarea călătorie în Japonia o realitate. Nu numai că obțineți o soluție rapidă a Japoniei, puteți începe să vă pregătiți pentru o adevărată aventură din Japonia!

Această postare vă este adusă de McDonald.

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