Barbados to Puerto Rico – Our crazy Caribbean journey
Not all travel days run like clockwork. This is something we’ve discovered after 7 years of wandering around the world. as well as even though we were conscious that incidents can occur (and will), we weren’t gotten ready for our dreadful travel day from Barbados to Puerto Rico.
We shown up at the flight terminal great as well as early (we’re notoriously early for everything), as well as prepared to check-in to our LIAT flight.
We were those people at the check-in counter. The lineup was full of anxious travellers waiting to get their boarding passes as well as decrease off their heavy bags. We were holding up the line while rummaging around our packs, pulling out charging cords, books, laptops as well as trying to make the bit neon indication on the scale read: 15 pounds.
Once the weight problem was sorted, we were told that we owed $800 for our flight tickets – which obviously we hadn’t paid for.
A funny Acronym That LIAT has embraced From Its Passengers
We had our on the internet Visa statement proving that we had paid, as well as we likewise had e-tickets, so this made no sense whatsoever.
We were then told that we really didn’t have a seat on the plane, as well as that there were no flights to Puerto Rico for 2 days, potentially 3.
This wouldn’t work for us, as our flights were already booked to Istanbul from Puerto Rico.
Never had we ever experienced anything rather like this. When the very disrespectful as well as uninterested LIAT agent didn’t want to assist us, or describe anything to us, we contacted Expedia (who we booked through).
Expedia verified that yes, we had paid for the tickets as well as indeed we were on the flight.
The Expedia representative really contacted LIAT directly as well as sorted it all out for us!
After about 30 minutes, the supervisor appeared from the back room, made a few taps on the computer, as well as printed off our boarding passes – without stating anything, mind you. The only reason we understood what was going on was since we still had Expedia on the Skype call.
When we shown up at the gate, we were told the flight was delayed 2 hours.
Waiting for our flight to ultimately take off
At this point, we didn’t care, we were going to be leaving Barbados that night as well as we were just glad to be on the plane!
When we touched down in San Juan, Puerto Rico at midnight, we were excited to pick up our cars and truck that we had rented for 3 days, drive to our beachfront guesthouse as well as immediately pass out.
Unfortunately, no sleeping would be had up until 2:30am.
We’re lastly in the air!
The shuttle to pick us up as well as take us to the rental company close-by was to show up in “10 minutes after we land”. After waiting 30 minutes, we called a second time. “Yes, sir, he will be there in 10 minutes”. We waited, as well as waited.
Nick ended up calling the business about 6 times from other people’s phones, up until finally, they stopped answering our calls.
Our data on our SIM card from Barbados had run out after the second contact us to the rental agency.
After waiting on 2 hours at the airport, we made a decision to just take a taxi to our guesthouse, which defeated the function of having a rental car, as the expense of 1 day in the cars and truck is similar to a taxi.
We were likewise hesitant to leave since we believed we would be charged a cancellation charge for the car.
We were booked in to stay at the Numero 1 Guesthouse, as well as luckily, we had no problems keeping that part of our travel day. We were greeted by the welcoming night personnel as well as were shown to our room. Thankfully, our colourful lodging was cooled in anticipation of our arrival – Puerto Rico was much a lot more damp than Barbados!
Our space at the Numero 1 Guesthouse, liked working from the balcony ?
We were both exhausted, frustrated as well as in all honesty, bummed out. This was the begin of our interesting 5 month trip, however so far, the very first leg of the experience had been a mess.
The complying with morning, we were able to believe a lot more clearly.
We contacted Expedia once again as well as explained our cars and truck rental situation. We absolutely must have booked with a reputable rental business like Alamo, rather than the random one we were having to offer with.
Just like the day before, Expedia dealt with the problem as well as made sure our credit score card was not charged any type of thing at all.
Once that was finalized, we were complimentary to get on with our time on the island.
We made our metHod la parter pentru micul dejun complementar, precum și au fost uimiți de priveliște. Întrucât ne -am afișat atât de târziu, nu am putut vedea setarea pensiunii, însă în lumina zilei, a fost înaintea noastră în toată gloria sa!
O întindere superbă, lungă de nisip auriu, era de fapt ideală în afara ușilor de pensiune. De fapt, ne -am mâncat micul dejun pe mese susținute pe plajă, cu nisipul dintre degetele de la picioare.
Nu este o vedere slabă pentru micul dejun!
Am fost suficient de devreme pentru a ne bucura de pace, precum și de liniștea plajei înainte de sosirea mulțimilor, ceea ce a fost tocmai ceea ce aveam nevoie.
Ah, liniște!
Timpul nostru în Puerto Rico a fost scurt, oricât de dulce. Nu eram siguri cu exactitate la ce să ne așteptăm de la această insulă americană-caraibeană, cu toate acestea impresiile noastre în timpul călătoriei noastre rapide au fost extrem de pozitive.
Fermecătorul plajă Ocean Park
Atolul divers folosește dune de nisip, pădure tropicală, plaje, apartamente de sare, precum și munți. Dacă am fi fost mult mai mult timp, am fi explorat mai departe.
Mâncarea este un amestec încântător de influențe africane, precum și spaniole, precum și ne -am bucurat de mese aromate la restaurantele regionale. Mofongo a fost mâncarea noastră mult iubită, precum și mâncărurile proaspete cu fructe de mare de pe plajă au fost gustoase.
Pui Mofongo
O masă de ton ahi de neuitat la restaurantul Pamela, care este conectat la Numero 1 pensiune
Orașul vechi San Juan
Vechiul oraș colonial San Juan este un lucru obligatoriu. Străzile pietruite albastre lucioase au fost foarte unice, precum și Fortul El Morro care dominează intrarea în portul San Juan merită absolut vizitat.
Vederi asupra Oceanului Atlantic din fortul El Morro
Ne -am rătăcit ore întregi privind la balcoanele bit conectate la clădiri colorate, precum și am avut plăcere în vioiciunea orașului.
Străzile pietruite albastre erau atât de mișto!
Pădure tropicală El Yunque
Chiar dacă nu am fost cu adevărat capabili să facem drumeții la pădurea tropicală El Yunque, așa cum am planificat, din ceea ce am auzit, precum și din părerile pe care le -am avut pe conducerea de acolo (și de la drone!), Aceasta este o magică magică zonă.
Dacă vă gândiți la cascade, precum și la drumeții, aceasta este locația de mers – deși fiți avertizați, poate fi extrem de agitată în sezonul înalt.
O priveliște a păsării asupra pădurii tropicale El Yunque
Suntem extași să ne întoarcem din nou pe această insulă în iunie. Aceasta este o locație pe care simțim că ar trebui să aibă mult mai mult timp. Muzica latină, precum și cultura amestecată cu ritmul lent al Caraibelor au fost un amestec intoxicant care ne -a făcut să ne dorim că nu trebuia să plecăm atât de curând.
La sfarsit
Călătoria este întotdeauna un joc de noroc. Câteva zile, orice funcționează fără probleme, precum și ușor, în timp ce altele, doriți să vă întoarceți doar la pat, precum și să aveți un aspect-over. Pentru noi, de multe ori pare ca și când plouă, se revarsă.
But no matter exactly how dreadful a travel day may be, as well as no matter exactly how lots of hiccups develop along the way, we always try to keep in mind to be patient, keep our great as well as figure out a option to the problemă. It’s all part of the life of a traveller.
When we show up in a location as lovely as Puerto Rico, we are reminded of just exactly how lucky we are to be able to experience these places. travel has its ups as well as downs, however that what makes it such a fun adventure.
Have you ever been to Puerto Rico? We’re heading back there in 5 months as well as we’ve already had so lots of excellent suggestions from visitors so please, leave a comment as well as tell us what we must see as well as do when we return!
Also, Don’t miss Our quick Puerto Rico Video!
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